RN Administered Incorrect Medication Dosage and Falsified Records
RN Administered Incorrect Medication Dosage and Falsified Records
Administering medication with precision and accuracy is crucial for patient safety. However, some RNs don't follow these standards, which leads to inaccurate documentation. This can harm the patient's medical record and raise concerns about following prescribed treatments. In such instances, a Texas nurse attorney can help address the legal and ethical implications surrounding medication administration errors and ensure accountability for patient safety. They have a deep understanding of healthcare laws and regulations, which helps them provide essential support to RNs facing legal issues and safeguard the highest standards of patient care.

Incident Scenario: Incorrect Administration of Medication Dosage and Falsified Records
At the time of the initial incident, she was employed as an RN at a hospital in Edinburg, Texas, and had been in that position for three (3) months.
On or about January 25, 2021, while employed as an RN at a hospital in Edinburg, Texas, the RN administered two (2) doses of Dilaudid 2mg to a patient, instead of a Chronic pain medication 4mg as ordered by the physician. Additionally, the RN incorrectly documented that she administered 4mg of the pain medication to the patient even though the RN signed out 4mg of Dilaudid on the Controlled Substance Administration Record (CSAR). RN's conduct created an inaccurate medical record and could have injured the patient in that failing to administer medications as ordered by the physician could have resulted in the patient suffering from adverse reactions.
In response to the allegations mentioned above, the RN responded and stated she received a verbal order for pain medication from the physician on duty. She added that the night was extremely busy with a nine-to-one patient ratio at the start of her shift. She was not able to chart her patients until around 0300 or 0400. RN stated when she charted the patient in question, she was extremely fatigued, and mentally drained, and inadvertently missed the discrepancy during her charting. RN further stated when the pharmacy brought the error to her attention a week later, she told him she would speak with the provider, but she would not be seeing him for a few more days. RN claimed she was told she did not need to make immediate contact with the provider or her lead nurse. It should be noted that the RN provided this response without seeking advice from a Texas nurse defense attorney.
Texas Board of Nursing Disciplinary Action
The action detailed above qualifies as a basis for disciplinary action as outlined in the Texas Occupations Code. If found guilty, the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) may take various actions, including but not limited to, issuing a reprimand, placing restrictions on the nurse's license, suspending or revoking the license, or imposing fines.
Following the board's investigation, the RN was found guilty of her actions, leading to the suspension of her license as a disciplinary action by the Texas BON. It's unfortunate that she did not seek assistance from a Texas nurse attorney, especially considering she had valid reasons to defend herself. If she had hired a Texas nurse defense attorney, she might have had a better chance at presenting her case and mitigating the consequences of the board's decision.
Need a Texas Nurse Defense Lawyer?
Worry no more! Texas Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is willing to assist every nurse in need of immediate help for nursing license cases. He has been a nurse attorney for 18 years, helping nurses with licensing cases. Atty. Yong J. An has represented over 600 nurses before the Texas BON. If you are dealing with licensing issues in Texas, Atty. Yong J. An is the man to call for solid advice and support. Contact him at (832)-428-5679 for a free legal consultation or for more inquiries.
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