Is it a good idea to voluntarily surrender your license if you are facing disciplinary action by the Texas BON?
Each situation is unique and it really depends on the circumstances, however, it is best to consult knowledgeable Texas nurse lawyers who can counsel you on your unique situation. Before making any major decisions that may impact your nursing career, it makes sense to consult with a nurse attorney who has experience handling these types of cases.
Let’s examine a particular case in which a Texas nurse voluntarily surrendered her license. A nurse who was employed at a wellness center failed to recognize that a patient was showing signs and symptoms of mental health disorders and continued to treat the patient holistically. The patient had physical complaints of blurred vision, jerking/buzzing sensations, shaking, feeling physically ill, back and arm pain; expressed concerns that her life was in danger; and described continued audio and visual hallucinations. The patient was subsequently diagnosed by physicians that she had a brain tumor. The nurse’s delay in providing the patient with appropriate medical diagnosis and treatment was likely to harm the patient.
As a result of her actions, the nurse decided to voluntarily surrender her license to practice nursing in the State of Texas.
Could the Outcome Have Been Different?
This particular nurse will never know but if you are in a similar situation, it is best to consult a nurse lawyer before taking any action on your own. There is a chance that the outcome could have been different for this nurse but now it may be too late. Of course, there is also the possibility that if the nurse did not surrender her license; that maybe she could have gotten a lesser penalty such as enforced suspension or a reprimand with stipulations and still have her nurse license today.
Aggressive Texas Nurse Lawyers Can Help You Save Your License
If you are facing disciplinary action by the BON and are not sure how to best handle your situation; contact nurse attorney Yong J. An today for a confidential consultation by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679.
Mr. An has over 10 years handling Texas Board of Nursing cases and understands the complexities of each situation and is equipped to provide you with the sound legal counsel as he has successfully handled several dozens of cases throughout Texas.