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Falsifying information on official documents is never a good idea; although many people resort to falsifying documents in an effort to protect themselves from the ramifications that come with undesirable or criminal type behavior. People fear that they may not get the job or they may be judged upon.   What they do not realize at the time is that there are consequences that come with falsifying documents, especially legal documents.


Eventually, the truth will come out and when it does, it makes you lose all of your credibility.   The next time you are tempted to falsify information, reconsider and think of the consequences you could face.


In the nursing and medical industry, where expectations and standards of care are high – failing to take the high road can very well lead to disciplinary action.  The type of disciplinary action that may cause you to get your nursing license revoked.  Take the below case of a nurse in Texas that falsified their online renewal license, ultimately, this mistake caused the nurse to get their license revoked by the BON.


On or around November 1st, 2011, a nurse in Texas submitted an online renewal document to the Texas Board of Nursing in which the nurse provided false or misleading response to questions that required to be answered “yes” or “no”.  One question in particular: “have you been arrested or have any pending criminal charges” was answered “no” when in reality the respondent failed to disclose that on or about July 24, 2009, he was arrested by the police department and charged with a Class A misdemeanor offense (assault bodily injury family member).


The above action constituted for disciplinary action due to violation of certain Texas Occupations code and Texas Admin code. The board will rely on the adopted discipline guidelines for criminal conduct and on adopted disciplinary sanction policies for lying and falsification, which can be found on the BON website. Based on the formal charges brought about by the Texas BON, the board will rely on the disciplinary matrix to determine the appropriate penalty. The final outcome was that the nurse’s license was revoked.


Texas Nurse Defense Lawyer Can Help You Save Your License


If you know that you have participated in unethical practices and may be facing disciplinary action by the Texas BON, it is best to consult an experienced Texas Nurse Defense Attorney before it is too late to save your license.  Contact attorney Yong J. An directly at (832) 428-5679 by calling or texting 24/7.