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LVN Failed to Document Treatments for Ventilator-Dependent Patient

Giving medicine accurately and carefully is really important in healthcare, especially when taking care of patients with complex medical needs. When nurses are facing legal challenges, it’s helpful to have a nurse attorney to support them. If a nurse’s...

LVN Allegedly Failed to Implement Oxygen Order

Nurses play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of patients, especially when it comes to implementing and following through with physician orders, particularly those that involve life-saving measures. However, in complex and distressing situations, nurses may face...

LVN was Accused of Documenting Full Shifts Despite Absences

It is vital to keep patient care records accurate and up-to-date. But let’s face it, sometimes things can get complicated and you might need help when you face allegations from the board. That’s where a nurse attorney comes in! They’re like a...

RN was Alleged of Negligence in Postoperative Care

Healthcare is a field that requires careful and timely patient assessments to ensure proper care and avoid complications. However, nurses may face accusations of neglecting these assessments, leading to legal and professional challenges. This is where a nurse attorney...

RN Administered Excessive Phenylephrine Dose to a Patient

Are you facing allegations from the BON and contemplating whether to seek assistance from a nurse defense lawyer? If so, the case below illustrates the significance of seeking advice from a competent nurse defense attorney. Let us delve into the details of this case...