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Every year, there are hundreds of nurses are faced with a letter from the Texas Board of Nursing. Be thankful that it hasn’t happened to you, but you may have seen a colleague that it did happen to.

The best form of prevention is to not partake in any activities that send red flags to hospital administration or the Texas BON.

For over 10 years of handling cases dealing with the Texas BON disciplinary process, I have seen nurses come to me for all sorts of violations. There is a common theme of certain actions that have been usually getting reported to the Texas BON.

I will share some of the most common mistakes made in nursing and how to avoid them:

  • Falsifying documents is never a good idea; failure to accurately document patient records is equally bad
  • Using unauthorized drugs or alcohol while on the job or stealing drugs from the hospital dispensary
  • Standard of Care violations: failure to properly provide care for the patient in a timely manner, or take proper precautions to ensure the health and well-being of the patient
  • Sexual violations: it is never a good idea to be sexually involved with a patient.
  • Criminal activities: such as stealing, violence, and fraud.

If you do anticipate that a letter from the board is coming, seek the counsel of an experienced nurse defense lawyer in Texas.

What Should You Do If You Get a Letter from the Texas BON?

  • Stay Calm: there is no need to panic. So it is best to remain calm so you can think about the situation rationally
  • Gather any and all evidence that may go in your favor or prove your innocence
  • Consult a Texas Nurse Lawyer who can guide you on how to best handle your case based on the circumstances
  • Handle all correspondence from your attorney and the Texas BON in a timely manner

If you were not able to prevent getting a letter from the Texas BON, then it is best to seek an experienced Texas Nurse Attorney who can help you.  Contact attorney Yong J. An by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679.  Mr. An is available 24/7 for a phone consultation.