Any LVN or RN nurse who committed a malpractice, dishonorable act or violation of state laws may be subjected to a disciplinary action. The governmental agency that has the authority to deal with the acts and omissions of the nurses in Houston is the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). This agency is composed of several members who are responsible for hearing and deciding any complaint or case filed before a LVN or RN nurse.
A professional licensed nurse named Sheila Mae was involved in a case that was heard and tried by the Texas Board of Nursing. She graduated in a nursing school in Texas. After a year, she obtained her license to practice the nursing profession. The RN nurse has a long list of employment history. Her latest work involved being a private nurse in a medical institution until a case was filed against her.
While employed as a RN nurse, she falsely documented a physician’s order in the medical record of a patient, to administer Nitroglycerine 0.4 sublingual every 5 minutes time to the patient. The RN nurse admitted later in a written note to the facility that she had not contacted the physicians for the order because he was out of town. The conduct of the RN nurse resulted in an inaccurate medical record, and was likely to injure the patient from adverse outcomes due to the medication administered without the benefit of a physician’s expertise and in that subsequent staff would not have accurate information to base their treatment on.
The RN nurse’s conduct was a violation of Section 301.452, Grounds for Disciplinary Action, of the Texas Administrative Code. It provides that: “A person is subject to denial of a license or to disciplinary action under this subchapter for: … (10) unprofessional conduct in the practice of nursing that is likely to deceive, defraud, or injure a patient or the public.”
The RN nurse tried to defend herself in the complaints. However, she failed to hire the services of a reliable lawyer to assist her during the trial. As a result, she eventually lost the case and ended up having her license revoked with finality by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).
This unfortunate loss on the part of the RN nurse could have been prevented. All she needed to do was to find the best nursing defense attorney in Texas. Avoid the same thing from happening to you. Contact Mr. An by calling or texting him 24/7 directly at (832) 428-5679.