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Timely and accurate communication, assessment, and intervention are pivotal aspects of ensuring the well-being of patients, especially in cases involving critical conditions like stroke. RNs shoulder the critical responsibility of recognizing and addressing changes in a patient’s condition promptly. Deviations from this duty, as alleged in this case, can result in severe consequences for the patient’s health and may raise concerns about the RN’s adherence to established medical protocols. Such allegations can have serious implications, both for patient care and the nurse’s professional standing. When confronted with such complex and potentially career-altering situations, seeking the guidance and expertise of a nurse attorney is an essential step. A nurse attorney serves as a vital resource, helping the RN uphold the highest standards of healthcare practice while safeguarding their legal rights and professional standing.

At the time of the incident, he was employed as an RN at a medical facility in Edinburg, Texas, and had been in that position for nine (9) months.

On or about December 3, 2021, through December 4, 2021, while employed as an RN at a medical facility in Edinburg, Texas, RN failed to timely notify the physician when a stroke patient complained of severe, intermittent headache, exhibiting restlessness and facial grimacing. Additionally, RN failed to appropriately perform neurological assessments for the patient, including a Glascow Coma Score (GCS). RN also failed to appropriately reassess the efficacy of nursing interventions for the patient’s pain. Further, RN also failed to document the patient had fallen from the bed, sustaining an injury to the right forehead. RN’s conduct created an incomplete medical record and exposed the patient to risk of injury from undetected and untreated changes in cardiovascular status, including possible demise.

In response, RN states the patient’s admitting diagnosis was an ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) and not a stroke. RN also states the patient reported a headache for which PRN Tylenol was administered. RN states the headache did not improve and states he immediately notified his charge nurse who attempted several times to contact the provider. RN states the provider did not return the calls until approximately 2300.

The above actions constitute grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 301.452(b)(10)&(13) Texas Occupations Code, and is a violation of 22 TEX ADMIN. CODE §217.11(1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C),(1)(D),(1)(M),(1)(P)&(3) and 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.12(1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C)&(4).

As a result, the Texas Board of Nursing decided to place his RN license under disciplinary action. It’s too bad that he failed to hire a nurse attorney for assistance, knowing that he had every reason to defend himself in the first place. His defense would have gotten better if he sought legal consultation from a Texas nurse attorney as well.

So, if you’re facing a complaint from the Board, it’s best to seek legal advice first. Texas Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is willing to assist every nurse in need of immediate help for nurse licensing cases. He is an experienced nurse attorney for various licensing cases for the past 17 years and represented over 500 nurses before the Texas BON. To contact him, please dial (832)-428-5679 for a confidential consultation or for more inquiries.