The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has the jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving the practice of professional nursing in Texas. Any RN or LVN found guilty of violating the state laws and regulations may be subjected to a disciplinary case if not properly defended by a nurse attorney.
At the time of the initial incident, an RN was employed as a Registered Nurse at a medical facility in Corpus Christi, Texas, and had been in that position for one (1) year and ten (10) months.
On or about November 3, 2020, through November 4, 2020, while employed as a Registered Nurse, the said RN failed to properly waste the partially used, pre-mixed bag of Versed that was initiated prior to the transfer of the patient. Instead, the RN left the partially used, pre-mixed bag of Versed in the sink of the patient’s room. In addition, the RN failed to properly secure narcotics when he administered Versed and Fentanyl to the patient at 2336 without securing the medications in a lockbox. Instead, a nurse on the following shift had to obtain a lockbox and properly secure the narcotics. The RN’s conduct failed to take precautions to prevent the misappropriation of narcotics and placed the facility in violation of Chapter 481 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (Controlled Substances Act).
It was on or about March 7, 2021, while employed as a Registered Nurse, the RN failed to accurately and completely document the administration of Fentanyl 50mcg/2.5mL/hr intravenously to a patient between 0700 and 1100. The conduct of the RN resulted in incomplete documentation of the administration of a controlled substance.
Concerning the events that happened, according to the RN, he has no recollection of this patient. The said RN also mentioned that he assumes the amounts were not individually verified within that hourly block when doing pump rate verification as the system was still relatively new.
The RN failed to properly present and defend her case against the court. She was disciplined warning to suspension of her nursing license for violating the Texas Health and Safety Code.
Avoid a similar thing from happening on your end. Make sure to find the right nurse attorney in case a complaint will be filed against you before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).
Consult with Texas nurse attorney Yong J. An, today if you have any questions about your disciplinary process by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 day, night or on weekends.