Losing your license may greatly affect your future career, but only if you failed to hire a nurse attorney for the case. There are some RNs and LVNs who missed their chances to get their license saved from revocation just because they weren’t able to hire any nurse defense attorney to defend them.
At the time of the initial incident, an LVN was employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse at a health facility in Dallas, Texas, and had been in that position for two (2) months.
On or about October 7, 2019, through October 23, 2019, while employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse and while assigned to provide nursing care for a patient, the said LVN falsified start times on ten (10) nursing visits notes for the patient. The behavior of the RN was likely to defraud and deceive the facility of money paid to the LVN for hours not actually worked.
It was on or about July 29, 2020, while employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse and assigned to provide nursing care to a patient, the RN failed to assess the patient at the start of her shift. Instead, the said RN performed her shift assessment four (4) hours into her shift. The action of the RN was likely to injure the patient in that failure to assess the patient at the start of her shift could have resulted in non-efficacious treatment.
On or about July 29, 2020, through July 30, 2020, while employed as a Licensed Vocational Nurse and assigned to provide nursing care to the patient, the RN lacked the fitness to practice in that she was sleeping while on duty. The RN’s condition could have affected her ability to recognize subtle signs, symptoms, or changes in the patient’s condition, and could have affected her ability to make rational, accurate, and appropriate assessments, judgments, and decisions regarding patient care, thereby placing the patient in potential danger.
In light of the occurrence that occurred, it was stated to the RN that she would follow the parent’s instructions and meet the child at school. The RN added that there was a total of eleven (11) hours in which the child was not in her care and she repaid the eleven (11) hours of wages to the facility. Furthermore, it was specified by the RN that she was feeling ill and if she dozed off it was only for a few moments, and she is no longer practicing nursing and is no longer able to continue maintaining her nursing license.
Despite her explanation, the Texas Board of Nursing still placed her under disciplinary action. Hiring the right nurse attorney for this case would be of great help, knowing that she has a defense to the accusations.
Losing your LVN or RN license can compromise your career. However, a skilled nurse attorney can greatly help you in major cases such as this. For assistance regarding your nurse license case, it’s best to contact Nurse Attorney Yong J. An by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.
Contact us today and protect your livelihood!