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For healthcare professionals such as LVNs, it is vital that they provide secure and competent care within the scope of their professional practice. In some cases, though, there are situations in which the boundaries of competence may be crossed that could compromise patients’ security and LVN professionalism. These actions may raise concerns about the compliance of LVNs with professional standards and may affect their career. To navigate these complex legal matters and safeguard the LVN’s rights, a nurse defense attorney can offer immeasurable legal support, ensuring a just investigation while advocating for the LVN’s best interests throughout the process.

Scenario: LVN Disciplined Due to Exceeding Scope of Practice and Improper Documentation

At the time of the incident, she was employed as an LVN at a healthcare facility in Carrollton, Texas, and had been in that position for nineteen (19) years and a month. 

On or about the 21st of August, 2020, while employed as an LVN at the healthcare facility, the LVN exceeded her scope of practice, in that she removed the midline intravenous catheter of the patient without appropriate documentation of competency or certification. Additionally, the LVN failed to document the removal of the midline catheter in the patient’s medical record, including site assessment and the patient’s response to the removal. The LVN’s behavior unnecessarily exposed the patient to the risk of harm from a procedure performed without sufficient training.

The LVN then stated this as her response to the incident, she said that she is a graduated nurse and received the appropriate training on midline removal and on more than one occasion removed lines under the supervision of a nurse on duty during her hospital clinical rotations. During the time it occurred, she was approached by another nurse and asked to help her remove the intravenous (IV) line. In addition to that, she stated that the other nurse seemed to be very worried and stressed about the removal. She monitored the patient for pain and site bleeding. The LVN expressed her sentiment that it was not her intention to hurt the resident and never thought she was going over her limits as a nurse. She understands that this act was out of her scope, but she stated that she has the appropriate training and is IV-certified. She also added that she has always followed proper and sterile procedures and the resident tolerated the procedure very well. The LVN’s demeanor has led her to a pit of risks, but with the help of an unbiased and just nurse defense attorney, there is a high possibility that her case will be defended well in court. 

Unfortunately, the evidence against the LVN was strong. At the same time, she was not able to properly defend her case in court. As a result, her nursing license was placed under disciplinary action.

Give yourself the right assurance that you need and find the right defense attorney in case a complaint will be filed against you before the Texas Board of Nursing. Texas Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is an experienced nurse attorney who represented more than 600 nurse cases for RNs and LVNs for the past 18 years. You can call him at (832) 428-5679 to get started or to inquire for more information regarding nursing license case defenses.