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Following a physician’s order is very important in the treatment of patients, any failure could lead to harming the patient and could even be the reason for the suspension of your license and the downfall of your career. Because allegations and complaints while at work are serious cases, which is why a nurse attorney is needed if you get accused of this kind of scenario. However, some who thought they were guilty of the charges failed to hire a nurse attorney just because they thought it’s the doom for their RN or LVN license already. But that is not entirely the case as there is still hope.

At the time of the initial incident, an LVN was employed as a Vocational Nurse at a hospital in Longview, Texas, and had been in that position for two (2) months.

On or about May 10, 2018, through May 11, 2018, the LVN failed to follow physician orders for a patient, including failing to complete an assessment every eight (8) hours, failing to continuously infuse the patient’s enteral feeding, IV TPN and lipids. Additionally, the LVN failed to complete an assessment of the patient’s following systems during her twelve (12) hour shift: respiratory, skin, musculoskeletal, and gastrointestinal. Additionally, the LVN failed to complete an IV PICC line assessment and failed to ensure the patient’s apnea monitor, oxygen, and ventilator equipment were evaluated. The LVN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from unknown rinds/or undetected changes in condition.

In regards to the incident, the LVN states that she performed an initial assessment, checked all equipment, assessed the trach collar, 02 saturation, vital signs, repositioned the patient, checked the TPN and GJ tube access, and administered medications. The LVN relates the patient was closely monitored throughout the shift. The LVN explains that she performed a respiratory assessment at the beginning, during, and at the end of the shift. The LVN indicates that she noted the patient’s initial musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal, ventilator, skin condition, and IV assessment. The LVN relates that she documented the patient’s tube feeding on the I&O record.

In addition, the LVN states that she monitored the TPN infusion, assessed the PICC line, and remained at the bedside. The LVN explains that trach care was performed, and at the end of her shift, the patient was in no distress.

As a result, the LVN was subjected to disciplinary action and may further face more discipline from the Texas Board of Nursing. The assistance of a nurse attorney could have helped the case become better for the LVN.

Negligence could compromise your career, which is why a Texas nurse attorney could provide you with the best help against these issues. If you have any valid reasons, you may refer to a nurse attorney to provide further defense against your case.

If you have questions on how to defend your license from allegations placed on you, it’s best to contact a nurse attorney who has years’ worth of experience. Nurse Attorney Yong J. An will surely assist you once you contact him at (832) 428-5679 for consultation or further inquiries.