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Nursing assessment skills is one of the nurse’s most valuable assets. This is the main reason why whenever someone filed a complaint against you involving negligence and medical malpractice, your license could be put in danger if not defended by a nurse defense attorney.

At the time of the incident, she was employed as an RN at a hospital in College Station, Texas, and had been in that position for nine (9) years.

On or about April 28, 2020, while working as an RN at a hospital in College Station, Texas, the RN failed to perform a complete assessment after she was notified that the patient had a fall and her right foot was visibly rotated. Specifically, after going to see the patient, the RN looked at the patient’s foot but did not touch her foot or check for pulses. Additionally, the RN failed to appropriately care for and assist the patient after the injury. She did not assist the patient up off the floor and into the wheelchair after she looked at the patient’s foot. Furthermore, the RN incorrectly documented in the patient’s medical record that she had no injuries post-fall. Subsequently, the patient was later taken to the emergency department, where she was assessed and found to have an acute ankle fracture. RN’s conduct resulted in an inaccurate medical record and was likely to injure the patient from a delay in treatment.

In response, the RN states that she was working as the House Supervisor and received a call from the patient’s primary nurse telling her that a patient fall was witnessed. RN states that she was informed that the patient’s right foot is turned to the side, but she was saying it was an old injury. RN states that the patient then stood up on her own and got herself into the wheelchair that was brought to her with no assistance. RN reports that the patient told her this was an old injury. RN states that the foot and ankle were not bruised or discolored in any way and were not swollen. RN states that she asked the patient if she was having any pain anywhere, and she said, “No, I just need to go to the bathroom.” RN reports that she pushed the wheelchair to the bathroom and the wheelchair would not fit. RN states that she told the patient to hold on while RN went and got her some help. RN states that she then went into the nurse’s station, spoke with the patient’s primary nurse, and informed her of what the patient reported. RN states that she had told the nurse when she had spoken to her earlier to call the doctor and see if he wanted to send her for an x-ray or to the Emergency Room. RN states that the nurse told RN that she had spoken to the doctor and he wanted to assess her before sending her anywhere. RN states that she then informed the nurse that the patient needed to use the toilet, but the wheelchair would not fit in the door and the patient said she could not walk to the toilet and would need assistance. RN states that she was not able to stay and assist them at that time because she had to go to the morning meeting with the administration and the doctors.

The above actions constitute grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 301.452(b)(10)&(13), Texas Occupations Code, and is a violation of 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.11(1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(D),(1)(M)&(3)(A) and 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.12 (1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C)&(4).

The Texas Board of Nursing gave the RN sufficient time to defend herself. However, the RN failed to find the right RN/LVN license attorney to handle her case. The RN/LVN license attorney’s negligence led to the Texas BON’s decision to place the RN’s license under disciplinary action.

For a successful outcome, consult a Texas-based nurse attorney with extensive knowledge and experience in RN/LVN law.  Texas Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is one of those dedicated nurse attorneys who helped represent more than 300 nurse cases for the past 16 years. Contact the Law Office of Yong J. An 24/7 through text or call at (832) 428-5679 for a private consultation regarding any accusations from the Texas BON.