Any type of allegations or accusations at work can be defended, as long as there is a skilled nurse attorney ready to assist you during the hearing before the Board of Nursing. The Texas Board of Nursing has full jurisdiction regarding cases that may affect an RN or LVN’s license from suspension, disciplinary action or revocation.
Accusations regarding fraudulent acts are a must to be observed properly not only by the Board but by a nurse attorney. An example of this happened to an LVN in Amarillo when an accusation is filed against her.
On or about August 6, 2015, through August 26, 2015, while employed as a Licensed – Vocational Nurse in a medical facility in Amarillo, the LVN obtained Hydrocodone from a local pharmacy through the use of unauthorized, fraudulent prescriptions, using the name of a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agent, which she admitted to her employer.
Additionally, the LVN gave some of the misappropriated blank prescription forms to two other individuals. Her conduct was likely to deceive the pharmacies, and possession of Hydrocodone through use of fraudulent, telephonically communicated prescriptions is prohibited by Chapter 481 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (Controlled Substances Act).
In response to the incident, the LVN states she was charged with forging a prescription for Hydrocodone which was pre-signed by a doctor. She states she pleaded guilty to the charge and was granted by the court deferred probation for 12 months. In addition, she had to complete a substance abuse assessment with treatment if recommended and community service. She states she will do what is suggested by the board to keep her nursing license. She states she is truly regretful for her actions. The LVN states she knowingly has a substance abuse problem that she has been struggling with for several months now.
The Board finds that there exists serious risk to public health and safety as a result of impaired nursing care due to intemperate use of controlled substances or substance use disorder.
Because of this incident, the Texas Board of Nursing then subjected the RN and her license into disciplinary action.
The accusation would have been defended by an experienced and skilled nurse attorney, had the LVN hired one. Hiring a nurse attorney for defense is applicable for any kind of accusation laid against an RN or LVN.
For more details and to schedule a confidential consultation, you must approach one of the most experienced nurse attorneys in Texas, Yong J. An. He has assisted numerous nursing license cases since 2006. You may contact him by dialing (832)-428-567 if you wish to learn more information should you undergo accusations or any other case that may affect your license.