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Every administered medication of patients should be accurately and completely documented. Also, it is very important that all medications should be administered to the patients correctly. However, if an RN made a mistake in administering the medication and failed to document the administration of the medication, he/she will be facing disciplinary action from the Board. If this happens, an RN should seek help from a nurse attorney.

On or about June 23, 2020, through July 7, 2020, while employed as a RN at a hospital in Amarillo, Texas, Respondent removed Fentanyl 100mcg and Midazolam 2mg from the facility medication dispensing system for patients but failed to accurately and/or completely and accurately document the administration of the medications in the patients’ Medication Administration Record. Respondent’s conduct could have injured the patients in that subsequent care givers would rely on her documentation to further medicate the patient which could result in an overdose. Additionally, Respondent’s conduct placed the hospital in violation of Chapter 481 (Controlled Substances Act) of the Texas Health and Safety Code.

In response, Respondent states that the assignment at issue was her first travel assignment, she was placed on an understaffed ICU, and for what became her final shift of the assignment, she was unexpectedly not relieved at the end of her shift, leaving her to work nearly 15 hours with only a break for lunch. After contacting her travel company regarding the lack of relief, she was escorted from the facility and her contract was terminated.

The above actions constitute grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with Section 301.452(b)(10)&(13), Texas Occupations Code, and is a violation of 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.11(1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C)&(1)(D) and 22 TEX. ADMIN. CODE §217.12 (1)(A),(1)(B),(1)(C),(4),(6)(G),(8),(10)(C),(10)(E)&(11)(B).

As a result, the Texas Board of Nursing decided to place her RN license under disciplinary action. It’s too bad that she failed to hire a nurse attorney for assistance, knowing that she had every reason to defend herself in the first place. Her defense would have gotten better if she sought legal consultation from a Texas nurse attorney as well.

So, if you’re facing a complaint from the Board, it’s best to seek legal advice first. Texas Nurse Attorney Yong J. An is willing to assist every nurse in need of immediate help for nurse licensing cases. He is an experienced nurse attorney for various licensing cases for the past 16 years and represented over 300 nurses before the Texas BON. To contact him, please dial (832)-428-5679 for a confidential consultation or for more inquiries.