When you are a nurse in Texas, the first thing that you need to take into consideration is compliance with all its rules and laws. There is a necessity to follow not only the state laws or regulation but also the administrative rules promulgated by the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). The Board has the jurisdiction over all complaints and cases filed against professional nurses.
Once a LVN or RN nurse is proven to be guilty of the offense charged, the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) may order the suspension or revocation of the license. The revocation maybe permanent or temporary, depending on the veracity of the offense committed. At the same time, the Board may also order for the suspension of a nurse.
In one of the recent cases heard by the Board, a LVN nurse named Mark was involved. He was employed as a licensed vocational nurse in a medical institution in Texas. He had been in the said position for four months. While employed as a LVN nurse, Mark left the facility without clocking out and failed to notify the Supervisor that he left. Subsequently, patients in the facility did not have nursing staff to provide care, and were left solely in the care of Certified Nurse Assistants (CNA).
Because of what happened, the families of the patients involved were completely enraged. They were unhappy with the negligent of LVN nurse Mark. Hence, a complaint was filed against him before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). The complainants allege that his conduct was likely to injure patients in that leaving the nursing assignment could have resulted in patients not receiving the care they need.
During the hearing of the case, the LVN nurse did not hire the assistance of a nursing defense attorney. As such, he was not able to defend himself before the Board. Eventually, the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) revoked his license to practice vocational nursing.
Contact a Texas nurse attorney today who can provide you with a confidential consultation and evaluate your case and counsel you on the best steps to take. Contact Mr. An by calling or texting him 24/7 directly at (832) 428-5679.