Veins that have become enlarged, twisted and swollen are commonly known as varicose veins. The term usually refers to the veins on a person’s leg, although it can occur in any body part. Varicose veins are easy to detect, as they appear to show colors on the surface of the case such as dark purple or blue. Normally, they are harmless. However, some individuals may experience cramping or pain due to the presence of the varicose veins. The pair of leaflet valves that prevent the blood from flowing backwards causes this. It is also referred as a retrograde flow or venous reflux.
There are several causes for varicose veins. This is common to professional nurses who work long hours in hospitals. If you are a nurse, make sure to read the rest of this article to find out how you can ease varicose veins.
1. Try lifting up your feet.
This is best done during rest period where you have the opportunity to sit down and relax. While at rest, find a pillow or a soft cushion, place it on a separate seat and try to elevate your feet up. You can do this for one leg for about five minutes and then do the same for the other one.
2. Avoid standing in one position only for a long period of time.
As a nurse, one of the indispensable things that you do while on duty is to keep on standing. This can cause varicose veins. In order to avoid it, it is highly recommended that you avoid locking your legs in one standing position for a long period. Keep on changing the position as long as you are comfortable with it. It is also advisable to try minimal walks or bends, if possible, to help stimulate blood circulation.
3. Keep yourself away from salt and alcohol.
As much as possible, avoid food and beverages that can trigger the formation of varicose veins. The excessive intake of salt can cause water retention in your body. As a result, you will end up having swollen tissues that may add extra pressure to the walls of your veins. At the same time, alcohol can also lead to the increase of the flow of blood on your legs and feet.
4. Refrain from wearing too tight clothing or uniforms.
While on duty, your number one goal is to be comfortable. This is why it is a good thing if you wear comfortable clothes – those that are not too tight or fit. Aside from it can help you feel comfortable, such can also help decrease the possibility of varicose veins from occurring. Wearing such clothes can prevent or block the movement of the blood flowing from the legs.
Keep all these in mind in order to have a worry-free time at the hospitals. Having varicose veins can cause some major discomfort or inconvenience while working. Just follow the simple tips to be a happier nurse while on duty.
Contact Our Experienced Texas Nurse Lawyers Today for Legal Guidance If you or someone you know has been approached by the BON for disciplinary action or have more questions on the BON process, contact The Law Firm of Yong J. An and speak to a Texas Nurse Attorney directly at (832) 428-5679, call or text 24/7.