We all expect nurses to bring the best quality of care to us, patients. And we sometimes complain if our expectations are not met. These complaints and accusations can cause them big time. It can cause their license to get suspended or get revoked. This is why the need to hire a nurse attorney for any case is very important.
At the time of the incident, the RN was employed as a Staff Nurse at a hospital in Arlington, Texas, and had been in that position for two (2) years and one (1) month.
The incident happened. On or about November 2, 2015, the RN incorrectly administered Norco 7.5/325 mg to the patient. The order was for Norco 10/325 mg. The RN’s conduct could have exposed the patient to a risk of harm from suffering pain unnecessarily.
And on or about February 19, 2016, the RN failed to administer Rocephin/gm intravenous (IV), as ordered for the patient. Additionally, the RN incorrectly administered 1/2 normal saline (NS) with Potassium 20 meq to the aforementioned patient before a nurse caught the error and administered the ordered one-half (1/2) NS at 75 ccs/hour. The RN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from delayed treatment, and from adverse effects of taking a medication that was not ordered by the provider.
Then on or about February 24, 2016, the RN failed to administer Zosyn 3.375 gm IV as ordered for the patient. Additionally, the RN incorrectly administered 1/2 NS with Potassium 20 meq to the aforementioned patient before a nurse caught the error and administered the ordered one-half (1/2) NS at 75 ccs/hour. The RN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from delayed treatment, and from adverse effects of taking a medication that was not ordered by the provider.
In response to the incidents above, the RN states that when she realized she gave the wrong strength of Norco on November 2, 2015, she notified the charge nurse and filled out an incident report. The RN states that regarding the incident on February 19, 2016, she was not made aware of the incident regarding Rocephin until the Peer Review, but she was aware of the one-half NS error at the time and signed the incident report. And then the RN states that regarding the incident on February 24, 2016, she hung the bag but failed to open the clamp, so it did not get administered in a timely manner.
The RN’s conduct had put her in a bad situation. She even failed to hire a nurse attorney during the time when she was given the right of legal counsel. The Texas BON had decided to put the RN in disciplinary action.
The RN could have received a different ending result if he had consulted and ask assistance from a nurse attorney. But he failed to hire a nurse attorney that has led to the decision of the Board.
Regarding a case or complaint filed on you, you should hire a nurse attorney immediately before it’s too late. Texas nurse attorney Yong J. An is one of those dedicated nurse lawyers who have helped various nurses in their cases since 2006. You may contact him 24/7 at (832) 428-5679 for more information or if you want to schedule a private consultation.