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Whenever an LVN or RN finds herself in such a situation subjected to disciplinary proceeding before the Texas Board of Nursing, she will need to find the best nurse attorney in the country. This is important, as it is her only chance to protect her RN / LVN license. Otherwise, the Board may find her guilty in the administrative case and order for the revocation of her RN/LVN license. Every nurse’s hope for license protection is by the help of a nurse attorney.

The disciplinary proceeding before the Texas Board of Nurse (BON) is an administrative proceeding wherein LVN / RN are charged for the commission of an offense or violation of certain state laws.

A perfect example of this incident happened to an LVN on or about November 7, 2017. At the time of the initial incident, the LVN was employed in a Medical Center in Huntington, Texas and had been in this position for more than one year already.

On or about November 7, 2017, the LVN failed to assess a patient when it was reported to her by a certified nurse aide (CNA) that the patient exhibited a change in condition.  She also failed to document assessment and intervention in the medical record of the aforementioned patient, in when the patient returned from Dialysis and was unable to complete Dialysis treatment, due to vomiting. 

Subsequently, the patient’s respiratory status deteriorated requiring transport to another hospital at the start of the oncoming shift.

Her conduct was likely to injure the patient from clinical care decisions based upon incomplete assessment information. Additionally, her conduct resulted in an incomplete medical record and was likely to injure the patient in that subsequent caregivers would not have accurate and complete information on which to base their care decisions.

In response to the allegations filed against her, the LVN states she and other staff cleaned and placed the patient in bed upon her return from Dialysis, and elevated the head of the bed. She states she assessed the patient’s respiratory  status,  oxygen level and blood  sugar, which  were within  normal  limits, and proceeded  to  apply  breathing  treatment,  and  reassessed  the  patient’s respiratory  status. The  LVN further states that later at dinner time a CNA told her the patient was not responding, but meant to say the patient was not eating.

However, the LVN’s failure to hire an experienced nurse attorney to help her defend her side led to the decision of the Board to suspend her license.

Avoid committing the same mistake she did. If you’re looking for a nurse attorney, immediately contact the office of nurse Attorney Yong J. An by calling or texting 24/7 at (832) 428-5679.