Being an RN/LVN is rewarding indeed, despite the exhaustion that nurses feel. Seeing a patient recover from illness or has been in relief after the treatment is indeed a priceless moment to all nursing practitioners. It is also unavoidable that a nurse commits mistakes while on duty. A single mistake for nurses could bring great harm to patients. If this happens, the Board has the jurisdiction for such matter. But remember that a nurse attorney can help you face the Board as your representative in court.
An incident happened on or about October 6, 2016, through October 7, 2016, while employed as a Staff Nurse at a hospital in Austin, Texas, the RN failed to document Duo nebulizer for the patient and Albuterol nebulizer that she administered to the same patient. The RN’s conduct resulted in an incomplete medical record and unnecessarily exposed the patient to a risk of harm by depriving subsequent caregivers of vital information to provide further care.
And on or about October 11, 2016, the RN falsely documented in the medical record of the patient that she administered Haldol 0.25 mg via intramuscular (IM) route when she administered it via IV route. Additionally, the next day, the RN failed to prime the IV tubing with IV solution before attaching the tubing to the aforementioned patient’s IV access site. The error was caught and corrected by a nurse prior to the IV fluid infusing. The RN’s conduct was deceptive, resulted in an inaccurate medical record, and was likely to injure the patient in that subsequent caregivers would not have reliable information on which to base their care decisions. In addition, The RN’s conduct was likely to injure the patient from failure to follow safe medication administration processes.
In response to the above incidents, the RN states that regarding the incident on October 6, 2016, through October 7, 2016, she was not aware of this until the Peer Review, and explains that she gave these medications and notified the oncoming nurse, but due to computer difficulties failed to get them charted as given. And also regarding the incident on October 11, 2016, she was not aware that she did not prime the IV fluid until the Peer Review, though admits that she gave the Haldol via the wrong route which she reported to the charge nurse.
The following incident that involves the RN caused the Texas Board of Nursing to place the RN and her license into disciplinary action. He should have sought assistance from a good nurse attorney to provide clarifications towards the case.
If you’ve ever done any errors or misdemeanors outside or during your shift as an RN or LVN, and you wish to preserve your career and your license, an experienced nurse attorney is what you need. Nurse Attorney Yong J. An, an experienced nurse attorney for various licensing cases for 14 years, can assist you by contacting him at (832) 428-5679.