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Texas Nurse Attorney Can Help You If You Wish To Deny an Accusation

The practice of the nursing profession can become challenging and demanding all at the same time. An LVN in Texas needs to follow several rulesand regulations in order to prevent revocation of her LVN license. In the past, several cases were filed against different...

Failure to Seek Help from a Nurse Attorney Could Put Your License at Risk

An RN or LVN who violates the state laws and issuances from the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) should seek proper help from a nurse attorney.  Doing so could make or break their cases. As a matter of fact, the RN license can even be suspended or revoked if not defended...

A Texas Nurse Attorney Can Help for Complaints Regarding Patient Abuse

Complaints about patient abuse may cause your license at risk. Issues such as this may greatly affect your future career, but only if you failed to hire a nurse attorney for the case. There are some RNs and LVNswho missed their chances to get their license saved from...

A Nurse Attorney Could Handle Accordingly Any License Issues

An experienced nurse attorney has surely helped a lot of RNs and LVNs when it comes to cases that may lead toward disciplinary action. Unfortunately, not all nurses were able to hire a nurse attorney as they underwent such cases. This incident that an LVN committed on...

When the Texas BON Disciplined a Nurse, please seek the nurse attorney

When the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has a complaint against you, you should seek the nurse attorney. Any RN or LVN found guilty for violating the state laws and regulations may be subjected to a disciplinary case such as revocation or suspension of her RN or LVN...

A LVN Nurse Committed Error In Her Duty

A licensed nurse in Texas may be subjected to a disciplinary proceeding before the Texas Board of Nursing. Whenever a LVN nurse finds himself in such situation, he will need to find the best good defense lawyer in the country. This is important, as it is his only...