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The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) has the jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving the practice of professional nursing in Texas. Any RN or LVN found guilty for violating the state laws and regulations may be subjected to a disciplinary case if not properly defended by the right nurse attorney.

On or about May 18, 2011 through May 19, 2011, while working as an LVN and on-call nurse in a medical facility in Lufkin, the LVN failed to assess and notify physician that an evaluation was needed for a patient, when she was called regarding the client’s abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Instead of notifying the physician and assessing the patient,

The LVN t instructed the staff to administer Maalox and informed the oncoming nurse. The patient continued to have abdominal pain and distention until he was found dead on May 20, 2011. An Autopsy determined that the patient died from a Vulvulus of the small intestine with peritonitis.

The LVN’s conduct failed to promote a safe environment and deprived the patient of detection and timely medical intervention which may have been required to stabilize the patient’s condition.

On or about May 18, 2011 through May 19, 2011the LVN failed to document that the patient vomited twice during the subsequent night and had experienced abdominal pain. Her failure to document deprived subsequent care givers vital information on which to base further nursing care and interventions.

In response to the cases filed on her, the LVN states she advised the staff to refer to the Physician’s order for non-prescription medication and administer Mylanta to the client. She adds that she advised staff to obtain vital signs, which were within normal limits.

The LVN explains that she encouraged the Direct Care Staff to monitor the client for persistent discomfort or worsening of symptoms and to call the on-call nurse back if needed for further follow-up. The LVN asserts that she advised the staff to bring the client to the nursing office in the morning to be assessed by his primary nurse. The LVN states the client came into the office that morning and was seen by his primary nurse who made or offered to make him an appointment with his primary physician.

As a result of conviction, the LVN was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay an amount. She was disciplined warning to suspension of her LVN license by violating Texas Board of Nursing regulation.

Avoid the similar thing from happening on your end. Make sure to find the right nurse attorney in case a complaint will be filed against you before the Texas Board of Nursing (BON).

Consult with Texas nurse attorney Yong J. An today if you have any questions about your disciplinary process by calling or texting him at (832) 428-5679 day, night or weekends.